This article presents a brief screening tool to help case managers identify
clients in a home- and community-based services (HCBS) program who need mo
re intensive social work case management (CM). Using existing data from a c
ase management time study (N = 242) and a content analysis of 70 cases in a
Medicaid waivers funded HCBS program, this study highlights a number of is
sues, such as dementia-related behavior problems, noncompliance with treatm
ent, poor informal caregiver health and: mental health, and a conflicted or
problematic relationship between client and caregiver, which are useful in
predicting need for intensive case management. Kappas for interrater relia
bility and t tests for discriminant validity show these items to be reliabl
e and valid. This tool will allow for better allocation of CM resources in,
terms of case manager time and type of expertise needed to address these i