High spin states of Ce-129 were populated through the reaction Sn-116(O-16,
3n)Ce-129 at a beam energy of 73 MeV. Lifetimes of the excited states were
measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method. The transition quadru
pole moments Q, were deduced from lifetime data. The results indicate that
Collectivity Of Ce-129 is reduced with respect to the even-even core Ce-128
. This reduction in collectivity caused by the addition of a h(11/2) neutro
n can be interpreted as due to triaxial deformation induced by shape drivin
g effect. Although the Q, values of the negative-parity band are somewhat s
maller than the ones of the positive-parity band, they exhibit a considerab
ly similar behavior with increasing angular momentum. It would appear that
the two h(11/2) quasiprotons possibly have a dominant influence on property
of the core.