Identification of flatfish species using a DNA-based methodology was studie
d. The polymerase chain reaction was employed to obtain a 464 bp amplicon f
rom mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The sequences from this fragment belon
ging to 24 species were analyzed using a genetic distance method, and polym
orphic sites were determined. The fragment was found to be highly polymorph
ic (231 sites), and this permitted the differentiation of most of the speci
es. Phylogenetic tree construction was employed to allow the identification
of flatfish species. As a result, each species was grouped in a well-diffe
rentiated clade, except for two pairs: Limanda ferruginea and L. limanda, a
nd Solea impar and S. lascaris, which could not be differentiated. On the b
asis of the sequences obtained, restriction enzymes were selected to provid
e, specific restriction profiles, which allow the differentiation of 21 spe
cies of flatfish in a faster and less expensive manner than sequencing. Thi
s polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method
ology (PCR-RFLP) was tested using commercial samples.