This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the perio
d 2000-2001 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectru
m analysis software, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, T
XRF, portable XRF and on-line applications as assessed from the published l
iterature. The review also covers a survey of applications, including sampl
e preparation, geological, environmental, archaeological, forensic, biologi
cal, clinical, thin films, chemical state and speciation studies. During th
e current review period, publications have demonstrated the development of
sub-100 nm X-ray beams for SR microprobe analysis together with the wider u
se of WD spectrometers in this application. There is evidence of an extensi
on of the application of XRF as a reference technique, with XRF increasingl
y being used in modern laboratories in place of older wet-chemical methods,
and computer-modelling studies continue to be popular in extending the und
erstanding of various XRF phenomena. Some interesting work has been underta
ken in the measurement of radiative Auger effects using high-resolution WDX
RF instruments. However, the potential for future developments in XRF is il
lustrated by research into ultra-high resolution microcalorimeter detector
devices, which are still at the experimental stage and have not yet progres
sed to the status of useful practical devices.