The Green function used for analysing ship motions in waves is the velocity
potential due to a point source pulsating and advancing at a uniform forwa
rd speed. The behaviour of this function is investigated, in particular for
the case when the source is located at or close to the free surface. In th
e far field, the Green function is represented by a single integral along o
ne closed dispersion curve and two open dispersion curves. The single integ
ral along the open dispersion curves is analysed based on the asymptotic ex
pansion of a complex error function. The singular and highly oscillatory be
haviour of the Green function is captured, which shows that the Green funct
ion oscillates with indefinitely increasing amplitude and indefinitely decr
easing wavelength, when a field point approaches the track of the source po
int at the free surface. This sheds some light on the nature of the difficu
lties in the numerical methods used for predicting the motion of a ship adv
ancing in waves.