This study measures associations between minority and low socioeconomic sta
tus and the use of screening services for secondary prevention among adult
community health center users. Among those who obtained timely screening se
rvices, the study also measures associations between minority and low socio
economic status and obtaining these preventive services at a community heal
th center. The data include 1,175 individuals ages 18 and older from a 1995
survey of community health center users. Minority and lower socioeconomic
status adult community health center users were not less likely to obtain t
imely screening services than other adult community health center users. Th
is differs from the trend in the general population. Minority and lower soc
ioeconomic status community health center users who used timely screening s
ervices were more likely to obtain them at community health centers, which
appear to facilitate the use of timely screening services for minority and
low socioeconomic status users.