Using superspace techniques, the complete and most general action of D = 10
super-Yang-Mills theory is constructed at the alpha'(2) level. No other ap
proximations, e.g., keeping only a subset of the allowed derivative terms,
are used. The Lorentz structure of the alpha'(2) corrections is completely
determined, while (depending on the gauge group) there is some freedom in t
he adjoint structure, which is given by a totally symmetric four-index tens
or. We examine the second, non-linearly realised supersymmetry that may be
present when the gauge group has a U(1) factor, and find that the constrain
ts from linear and non-linear supersymmetry to a large extent coincide. How
ever, the additional restrictions on the adjoint structure of the order alp
ha'(2) interactions following from the requirement of non-linear supersymme
try do not completely specify the symmetrised trace prescription.