Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immune globulin is a purified human
hyperimmune globulin that provides passive immunity against complicate
d RSV disease in select groups of infants and young children. Accordin
g to microneutralisation assay results. its RSV-neutralising antibody
concentration was significantly greater than that of nonspecific immun
e globulin, thereby suggesting the potential for more reliable protect
ion against RSV infection. In 2 randomised double-blind trials, prophy
laxis with RSV immune globulin significantly reduced (vs no immune glo
bulin) the incidence and severity of RSV disease in infants and young
children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. prematurity or bronchopulmon
ary dysplasia due to prematurity. or congenital heart disease (in 1 st
udy). Treatment with RSV immune globulin did not significantly reduce
the duration of hospitalisation and intensive carl in children hospita
lised with RSV infection in 2 randomised double-blind trials; however,
a trend towards a significant treatment benefit was apparent in child
ren with severe disease in I of these studies.