Background. Presently, the only sonographic parameters used to follow puber
ty in girls are size and morphology of the uterus and ovaries. Doppler of t
he uterine artery appears a useful complementary parameter to follow pubert
Objective. To determine the potential contribution of Doppler evaluation of
the uterine artery in girls around puberty.
Materials and methods. We investigated 61 healthy female volunteers aged 2-
15 years (mean 10.3 years). In each girl we performed a standard pelvic tra
nsabdominal US examination, including measurement of the uterus and ovaries
. Uterine arteries were visualized by colour Doppler and a pulsed signal wa
s obtained in each patient. The blood flow velocity waveform. was analysed
and the pulsatility index (Pl) was calculated. Growth of the uterus and ova
ries was plotted against age, and the PI was compared to each of the other
studied variables (age, size of uterus, volume of ovaries).
Results. We observed a strong negative correlation between the PI of the ut
erine artery and the usually studied variables. We also observed a progress
ive modification of the Doppler signal pattern of the uterine artery during
the establishment of puberty: the narrow systolic flow waves found in prep
ubertal girls were progressively replaced by a systolic-diastolic flow wave
Conclusions. The demonstration of diastolic flow can confirm the onset of p