A mechanical strain applied to a monodomain cholesteric elastomer modulates
and eventually unwinds the helical director distribution. There are simila
rities with the classical problem of an electric field applied to a cholest
eric liquid crystal, but also differences. Frank elasticity is of minor imp
ortance unless the gel is very weak. The interplay is rather between the di
rector being helically anchored to the rubber elastic matrix and the extern
al mechanical field. Stretching perpendicular to the helix axis induces the
uniform unwound state via the elimination of sharp, pinned twist walls abo
ve a critical strain. Below the critical strain the coarsening of the direc
tor distribution is not accompanied by an increase but rather by an affine
decrease in the pitch, Unwinding through conical director states occurs whe
n the elastomer is stretched along the helical axis, Finally we consider ch
olesteric elastomers in a classical device geometry with an electric field
applied along the pitch axis and hence transverse to the director orientati