Gas/solid flow systems, including fluidized beds, are an essential part of
many chemical processes. The optimum design and scale-up of these systems r
equires a through understanding of gas/solid flow patterns. Achievement of
this understanding involves the development of experimental flow measuremen
t techniques, and experimentally verified multiphase flow equations and num
erical simulation tools. This paper provides a brief review of current tech
niques in solid flow measurement and recent contributions of the multiphase
flow approach to gas/solid flow systems and fluidization. It features a re
view of the Eulerian approach, as well as different governing and constitut
ive equations, including the kinetic theory approach for cohesive and non-c
ohesive particles. The effects of inlet, outlet and boundary conditions are
also discussed. Two- and three-dimensional transient numerical simulations
of gas/solid flow patterns in circulating and bubbling fluidized beds are
presented, along with a comparison of the predicted flow parameters with la
rge-scale experimental data. In addition, recent improvements in the comput
ational code to simulate a real process with complex geometries, developed
in partnership with Fluent and AEA Technology, are highlighted. The paper i
s concluded with a discussion of the limitations and opportunities for rese
arch and development in this area. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.