On a daily basis the quality of life of patients suffering from multiple sc
lerosis (MS) partially depends on social measures. These are not specific t
o MS. Patients often need to be helped by hospital or town social services
for the numerous and complicated administrative steps to be taken. The info
rmation given to a patient is of prime importance concerning his rights, pa
rticularly his occupational rights. Many organisations have to be contacted
to obtain financial and material aids, even if the latter are considered i
nsufficient in many fields especially for improvements in accommodation. An
invalidity card may entitle its holder to certain tax reductions. The comp
etences of the COTOREP are wide-ranging and include the recognition of the
handicapped worker, his training and his regarding at work, his orientation
and admission into a specialised structure, the degree of his invalidity r
ate and should his handicap justify it, benefits such as the handicapped ad
ults allowance and the compensatory third person's allowance. It is essenti
al to adopt a multidisciplinary way when dealing with MS in order to provid
e a better care, experiments in specialised structures and networks are bei
ng undertaken. Numerous partners are taking part in these new approaches an
d patient associations may find their place there. Social aspects have to b
e taken into account as well in the way the cost of the disease is evaluate
d in terms of money and humanity.