S-RNases are implicated in both inter- and intra-specific pollen rejection
in Nicotiana. At least two mechanisms contribute to S-RNase dependent rejec
tion of pollen from self compatilble species such as Nicotiana plumbaginifo
lia and N. tabacum. Cloned S-RNases from self incompatible N. alata express
ed in styles of self compatible N. tabacum cause rejection of N. tabacum po
llen through a factor-independent mechanism. However, rejection of N. plumb
aginifolia pollen occurs only when S-R-Nases are expressed in conjunction w
ith non-S-RNase factors from N. alata (factor-dependent pollen rejection).
Here, we compared the pollen rejection activity of four RNases in these two
systems. Recombinant RNase expression levels in the factor-dependent N. pl
umbaginifolia system were insufficient to cause pollen rejection. However,
three S-RNases were active in the factor-independent N. tabacum pollen reje
ction system. This system shows the broadest specificity of any system so f
ar examined. However, RNaseI from E. coli could not cause N. tabacum pollen
rejection. Thus, RNase activity alone is not sufficient for pollen rejecti
on. Our results suggest that S-RNases are specially adapted to function in
pollen rejection.