Industrial semiconductor manufacturing-and therefore industrial semiconduct
or metrology-is being faced with a new generation of processes and material
s coming out of development laboratories worldwide. These need careful moni
toring, particularly in the early stages of manufacture. Many metrology cha
llenges are well met by optical techniques, and the article discusses three
such techniques that have transferred to industrial production process con
trol. Laser ellipsometry brings high precision to ultrathin 25 Angstrom gat
e oxide measurements and can analyse many types of (transparent) new materi
als. Impulsive stimulated thermal scattering is a new opto-acoustic techniq
ue and therefore is covered more fully here-it complements laser ellipsomet
ry by analysing single and bilayer metal (opaque) films after these have be
en exposed to a variety of semiconductor processes. Photoluminescence is in
valuable for analysing compound semiconductors, Where it measures directly
the quality of epitaxial layers and so helps to understand and reduce defec
t mechanisms and improve yields. The article concludes by discussing indust
rial requirements for integrating the measurement system into a deposition
system for in situ process control. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, L