Limited information on the degree of irregularity of branching patterns of
a bronchial tree may obscure the cause of heterogeneous distribution of the
lesions in a variety of lung diseases. We reconstructed three dimensional
(3-D) images from hilum to terminal bronchioles of a mouse lung, and define
d the irregularity of airway branching by diameter-based morphometric analy
sis. The relative diameter ratios of a daughter to the parent branch (D1/D0
) and those of a minor to major daughter branches (D1/D2) were calculated,
and irregular dichotomies were found to be distributed in 48% of bifurcatio
ns. D1/D0 is well correlated with D1/D2, and is proved to indicate regular
and irregular branching, as well as D1/D2. Irregular branches with D1/D0 sm
aller than 0.4 correspond to typical lateral branches, taking off from majo
r bronchi. Our novel 3-D morphometric analysis showed the first portrayal o
f the 3-D structures of mouse bronchial airways, which provides a quantitat
ive description of branching patterns leading to the correlation with distr
ibution of lesions in the diseased lung.