The concentration of neurospecific proteins possessing neurotrophic propert
ies (S100 beta and basic myelin protein - BMP), neurotrophine (nerve growth
factor, NGF) and also titres of priumary and secondary antibodies in CSF a
nd sera were measured in 25 patients with ischemic stroke in internal carot
id territory and in sera of 40 patients with chronic cerebrovascular diseas
e (cerebrovascular atherosclerosis and hypertonic encephalopathy). In strok
e patients, several hours after onset, the titre of secondary antibodies to
S100 beta and BMP was measured as elevated in serum (especially in atherot
rombotic stroke) what witnesses for preformed sensibilization of brain tiss
ue to neurospeciphic proteins. However, elevation of primary antibodies tit
re to NGF was registered only in CSF (they were normal in sera). NGF concen
trations and secondary antibodies titre significantly correlated with strok
e severity (correlation coefficients in relation to total clinical degree 0,42 and -0,78 respectively) what envisages grave prognostic importance. We
revealed chronic autoimmunization to structural components of brain tissue
in patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease). The ratio of primary/se
condary antibodies to S100 beta and BMP titres reflects the acuteness of an
tibody formation as and may support the suggestion about changes in blood-b
rain barrier (BBB) permeability. We failed to reveal sensibilization to NGF
in chronic cerebrovascular disease what may explain that there was no neur
ological deficit in these patients. Neuroprotective therapy with glycine (6
00 mg/day) administered to patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease, a
ppeared to improve clinincal status and antibody concentration in sera. We
suppose that such a therapy may be beneficial as preventive.