Objectives - Sleep disorders and depression are frequent in patients with P
arkinson's disease (PD). However, the exact prevalence and the causality ar
e still unknown. Patients and methods - We interviewed 56 consecutive PD pa
tients and 59 age-matched healthy controls concerning sleep disorders and d
epression. Sleep Disorders Questionnaire (SDQ) and Zung Depression Scale (Z
DS) were used as standardized valid and reliable psychometric tests. Result
s - Patients with PD had significantly higher values in the clinical-diagno
stic scale narcolepsy (P=0.01), correlating with the L-dopa dose (P=0.007).
Concerning sleep apnea (P=0.49), psychiatric sleep disorder (P=1.00) and p
eriodic limb movement disorder (P=0.12), no significant difference could be
identified. PD patients showed significantly higher depression scores than
healthy control subjects (P=0.01), increasing with the duration of PD (P=0
.04). Conclusion - The significant higher narcolepsy score in PD patients m
ust be seen due to dopaminergic medication and PD-specific neurodegeneratio
n and immobility rather than due to narcolepsy. This leads to the conclusio
n that extreme caution is advised when carrying out the SDQ and interpretin
g the results in various persons and patient groups with motor problems. Th
e strong association of depression, disease severity and sleep disorders in
PD patients underlines the importance of identifying and treating both con
ditions in these patients.