For improvement of knowledge about services German neurological departments
have been asked to answer a questionnaire, dealing with incidence rates of
15 characteristic neurological disorders and other most frequent disorders
(related to ICD-9), number of beds and whole number of patients treated in
1999. Of 284 departments 78% responded. These 222 departments disposed of
about 11600 beds in which about 345 000 patients had been treated. Most fre
quent disorders proved to be cerebrovascular diseases, epilepsies and multi
ple sclerosis. Beside structural varieties there were differences in the sp
ectrum of disorders with relation to the type of the department (university
departments, neurology departments in general hospitals, neurology departm
ents in psychiatry hospitals and neurology-psychiatry departments in genera
l hospitals). The data of this neurology department-based incidence rates o
f selected disorders were in good agreement with two official statistics of
all listed disorders so that it can be considered valid. Besides that it h
as to be taken into account that not all patients with neurological diagnos
es are treated in neurological departments. This fact will be important for
the future.