Biological weapons are not new. Biological agents have been used as instrum
ents of warfare and terror for thousands of years to produce fear and harm
in humans, animals, and plants. Because they are invisible, silent, odorles
s, and tasteless, biological agents may be used as an ultimate weapon-easy
to disperse and inexpensive to produce. Individuals in a laboratory or rese
arch environment can be protected against potentially hazardous biological
agents by using engineering controls, good laboratory and microbiological t
echniques, personal protective equipment, decontamination procedures, and c
ommon sense. In the field or during a response to an incident, only persona
l protective measures, equipment, and decontamination procedures may be ava
ilable. In either scenario, an immediate evaluation of the situation is for
emost, applying risk management procedures to control the risks affecting h
ealth, safety, and the environment. The microbiologist and biological safet
y professional can provide a practical assessment of the biological weapons
incident to responsible officials in order to help address microbiological
and safety issues, minimize fear and concerns of those responding to the i
ncident, and help manage individuals potentially exposed to a threat agent.