BACKGROUND. A 90-year archive of surgical and postmortem material was revie
wed to establish the incidence, presentation, and pathology of tumors secon
dary to the breast.
METHODS. A search was performed on all cases contained within the files of
the Pathology Department of the Royal London Hospital from 1907 to 1999.
RESULTS. Sixty patients were identified with unequivocal, secondary, nonmam
mary neoplasms involving the breast. Hematologic tumors predominated, parti
cularly among the more recent cases, with carcinoma less frequent overall b
ut more numerous in the earlier part of the 20th century. There were severa
l surprising and sometimes unique findings, with occasional metastases from
primary tumors of the esophagus, retina, pancreas, thyroid, and skin. Othe
r primary tumor sites included the stomach, lungs, and kidney. In line with
expectations, the majority of tumors occurred in women.
CONCLUSIONS. Secondary tumors to the breast are rare. In the current series
, these tumors comprised 3% of the breast tumors in the files under review.
The majority of these were metastases from the contralateral breast. Howev
er, the existence of metastatic nonmammary tumors to the breast should be a
ppreciated so that secondary tumors from unusual sites are not overlooked,
particularly with the widespread use of fine-needle aspiration cytology and
needle core biopsies for preoperative diagnosis. In fact, 0.43% of the bre
ast malignancies in the current report originated from sites outside the br
east. Of these one-third represented spread from an occult primary. Further
more, the current data suggest a move from carcinomatous metastases to hema
tologic malignancies over the last century, possibly reflecting earlier dia
gnosis of the former and an increase in the prevalence of the latter. (C) 2
001 American Cancer Society.