A newborn baby with a leaking frontoethmoidal encephalocele is reported. Th
e 1-day-old baby was referred to our center with a swelling on the nose lea
king CSR The child was the third baby of a consanguinous marriage. The baby
had a swelling over the nose, 8 cm in diameter. The center of the swelling
looked unhealthy, with a small raw area seeping CSR CT scan showed a swell
ing containing tissue isodense with normal brain. The bone window and the 3
D CT revealed a basal bone defect in front of the crista galii and an outer
bone defect at the frontonasal junction over the nasion. The baby was oper
ated on the 5th day after birth. One-stage repair of the encephalocele was
performed, along with correction of hypertelorism and bone grafting over th
e forehead. The baby withstood the surgery well and was discharged from the
hospital on the 10th postoperative day.