Novel sensorimotor situations present a unique challenge to an individual's
adaptive ability. Using the simple and easily measured paradigm of visual-
motor rearrangement created by the use of visual displacement lenses, we so
ught to determine whether an individual's ability to adapt to visuo-motor d
iscordance could be improved through training. Subjects threw small balls a
t a stationary target during a 3-week practice regimen involving repeated e
xposure to one set of lenses in block practice X2.0 magnifying lenses), mul
tiple sets of lenses in variable practice (X2.0 magnifying, X0.5 minifying
and up-down reversing lenses) or sham lenses. At the end of training, adapt
ation to a novel visuo-motor situation (20-degree right shift lenses) was t
ested. We found that (1) training with variable practice can increase adapt
ability to a novel visuo-motor situation, (2) increased adaptability is ret
ained for at least I month and is transferable to further novel visuo-motor
permutations and (3) variable practice improves performance of a simple mo
tor task even in the undisturbed state. These results have implications for
the design of clinical rehabilitation programs and countermeasures to enha
nce astronaut adaptability, facilitating adaptive transitions between gravi
tational environments. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.