This article is a report on a symposium sponsored by the American Society f
or Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and held at the Experimental
Biology 01 meeting in Orlando, FL. The presentations addressed the mechanis
ms of inhibition and regulation of cytochrome P450 and flavin monooxygenase
enzymes by nitric oxide. They also highlighted the consequences of these e
ffects on metabolism of drugs and volatile amines as well as on important p
hysiological parameters, such as control of blood pressure, renal ion trans
port, and steroidogenesis. This is achieved via regulation of P450-dependen
t prostacyclin, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, and epoxyeicosatrienoic acid
formation. Conversely, the mechanisms and relative importance of nitric oxi
de synthases and P450 enzymes in NO production from endogenous and syntheti
c substrates were also addressed.