Jb. Oliver et Cm. Mannion, Ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) species attacking chestnut and captured in ethanol-baited traps in middle Tennessee, ENV ENTOMOL, 30(5), 2001, pp. 909-918
Ambrosia beetles can be important pests of nursery production. The beetles
are difficult to control with insecticides, requiring that pesticides be cl
osely timed before tree attack, applied repeatedly, or have long residual a
ctivity. The goal of this project was to improve management decisions for a
mbrosia beetle control in nurseries. This study used ethanol-baited traps,
field observations of tree attacks, and emergence cages over beetle galleri
es to determine the following: (1) composition of ambrosia beetle fauna in
middle Tennessee, (2) species responsible for attacks on chestnut (Castanea
mollissima Blume), a susceptible tree species, (3) timing of tree attacks
and progeny emergence, and (4) the relationship between tree attacks, proge
ny emergence, and beetle collections in ethanol-baited traps. Ambrosia beet
les were surveyed using ethanol-baited Lindgren traps at the Tennessee Stat
e University Nursery Crop Research Station in McMinnville, TN, and at two c
ommercial nurseries near Dibrell and Tarlton, TN, during 1998 and 1999. At
the Nursery Station, species composition of ambrosia beetles attacking ches
tnut trees was determined in 1999. Xyleborinus saxeseni Ratzeburg, Xylosand
rus crassiusculus Motschulsky, and Monarthrum fasciatum Say were the domina
nt ambrosia beetle species collected in traps. Xyleborinus saxeseni was the
dominant species at all three locations when both 1998 and 1999 collection
s were totaled. Other commonly trapped species included Monarthrum mali Fit
ch, Xyleborus atratus Eichhoff, and Xyleborus pelliculosus Eichhoff. Tree a
ttacks began on 2 April before trees broke dormancy. The majority of chestn
ut attacks occurred in April and May. Progeny emerged from 48% of the caged
galleries, including 35.9, 10.3, 3.3, and 1.1% X. germanus, X. crassiuscul
us, Hypothenemus spp., and X. saxeseni, respectively. Beetles exhibited sev
eral unusual behaviors during this study, including emergence of female X.
germanus from trees the following spring, emergence of live male X. germanu
s and X. crassiusculus,a staggered chronology of progeny emergence, and pre
sence of multiple beetle species emerging from the same gallery. Xylosandru
s crassiusculus and X. germanus were the dominant species attacking chestnu
t, but total trap collections of X. germanus were small (less than or equal
to 1.7%). Several findings from this study have significance to the nurser
y industry. The timing of peak trap collections during April (particularly
collections of X. crassiusculus and X. saxeseni) coincided with peak tree a
ttacks. The factors responsible for chestnut susceptibility to attack were
not measured in this study, but since the majority of trees were attacked b
efore dormancy break, tree phenological state probably is an important dete
rminant of tree vulnerability. The collection of some species like X. germa
nus in trap collections may be a more important indicator of tree attack th
an abundance in the trap. Progeny emergence from chestnut trees during June
and July did not coincide with increased trap collections or renewed attac
ks on chestnut. Therefore, traps may not always indicate ambrosia beetle ab
undance. Several new state records were collected during this study, includ
ing X. crasiusculus, a species capable of serious economic damage to nurser
y stock.