Probiotics have been used with apparent success for several gut disorders,
so it is not surprising they have been tried in the treatment of irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS). However, the pathogenesis of this disease is unknown,
and opinions about how probiotics might work are speculative. Nevertheless
, two small trials suggest they might benefit patients with I BS, particula
rly those suffering from pain and bloating. This possibility deserves furth
er study. It is important though, that future trials employ criteria-identi
fied subjects, be sufficiently powered and strictly double blind, and selec
t a suitable outcome measure. Until state-of-the-art trials of probiotics a
re available, their use should remain in the experimental arena. Eur J Gast
roenterol Hepatol 13:1135-1136 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.