Proper implementation and use of validated analytical methodology with use
of appropriate reference materials (RM) is a preferred means of helping to
ensure equivalent analytical method performance in diverse laboratories. Ch
oice of an appropriate RM that not only matches the analyte and matrix of t
he required determination, but also has been demonstrated to be within the
applicability of a specific analytical method, are key factors. In response
to numerous requests since its founding in 1993, the Technical Division on
Reference Materials (TDRM), AOAC International is implementing a program f
or recognizing the matching of specific reference materials to specific AOA
C methods of analysis. This recognition is accomplished by means of a thoro
ugh peer-reviewed selection system, under the auspices of the AOAC official
methods board and the executive committee of the TDRM. Potential RM/method
matching (RM/MM) proposals will be submitted to an RM/MM committee. After
technical review of the suitability of the proposed RM by the RM/MM committ
ee. acceptable matches are recommended for review by the current AOAC proce
ss responsible for review and recognition of new methods and modifications
to existing AOAC methods of analysis. Several trial matches have been used
to develop and test this system. The end product of this effort will ultima
tely be made available as either a stand-alone document, a section of the A
OAC Official Methods of Analysis, or a site within the AOAC web site listin
g recognized matches.