Observations of cusp ion velocity dispersions made by the TIMAS instrument
on the Polar spacecraft in the mid-altitude cusp during intervals of northw
ard interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) reveal a clear ordering with magnet
ic local time (MLT). Between 1100 and 1300 MLT the injected ion velocity in
creased with invariant latitude for 78% of the cusp crossings, between 0900
and 1100 MLT this percentage reduced to 35% and between 1300 and 1500 MLT
the percentage reduced to 57%. In contrast similar observations made during
intervals of southward IMF revealed no MLT dependency. Between 0900 and 15
00 MLT the injected ion velocity increased with invariant latitude for only
17% of the observed cusp crossings. We suggest that the difference in the
MLT dependency between northward and southward IMF can be best explained by
the different characteristics of polar convection patterns for sub-solar a
nd lobe reconnection.