This paper describes several new techniques for direction of arrival (DOA)
estimation using arrays composed of multiple translated and uncalibrated su
barrays. The new algorithms can be thought of as generalizations of the MUS
IC, Root-MUSIC, and MODE techniques originally developed for fully calibrat
ed arrays. The advantage of these new approaches is that the DOAs can be es
timated using either a simple one-dimensional (I-D) search or by rooting a
polynomial, as opposed to the multidimensional search required by multiple
invariance (MI)-ESPRIT. When it can be applied, the proposed MI-MODE algori
thm shares the statistical optimality of MI-ESPRIT. While MI-MUSIC and Root
-MI-MUSIC are only optimal for uncorrelated sources, they perform better th
an a single invariance implementation of ESPRIT and are thus better suited
for finding the initial conditions required by the MI-ESPRIT search.