Objective: To provide guidance for a public health intervention in a high c
aries rate multicultural population by understanding cultural issues surrou
nding children's oral health. Method: Seven community focus groups were con
ducted with five ethnic populations (Chamorro, Filipino, Carolinian, Pohnpe
an, and Chuukese) living on the island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the North
ern Mariana Islands, USA. Participants: were asked questions about their be
liefs, attitudes, knowledge, and care practices regarding issues around chi
ldren's oral health. Results: Analysis consisted of a content review of par
ticipants' responses within two targeted areas: past and current attitudes
and health beliefs, and behaviours impacting risk of developing disease. Bo
th the lack of value of baby teeth and negative parental experiences are fa
ctors underlying health beliefs and behaviours. Although some differences i
n beliefs and practices existed across cultural groups, most women were int
erested in learning about new preventive strategies to reduce dental diseas
e. Several new mothers reported that they actively sought out parenting inf
ormation during their initial pregnancy. Conclusions: Aversive parental exp
erience and disregard for primary dentition were identified as serious obst
acles to be addressed in order for any new programme to be effective. Despi
te these obstacles, new mothers were open to information and strategies to
reduce the prevalence of early childhood caries.