Common knowledge of a finite set of formulas implies a special relationship
between syntactic and semantic common knowledge. If S, a set of formulas h
eld in common knowledge, is implied by the common knowledge of some finite
subset of S, and A is a non-redundant semantic model where exactly S is hel
d in common knowledge, then the following are equivalent: (a) S is maximal
among the sets of formulas that can be held in common knowledge, (b) A is f
inite, and (c) the set S determines A uniquely; otherwise there are uncount
ably many such A. Even if the knowledge of the agents are defined by their
knowledge of formulas, 1) there is a continuum of distinct semantic models
where only the tautologies are held in common knowledge and, 2) not assumin
g that S is finitely generated (a) does not imply (c), (c) does not imply (
a), and (a) and (c) together do not imply (b).