We have recently reported that arachidonic acid mediates beta (2)-adrenergi
c receptor (AR) stimulation of [Ca2+](i) cycling and cell contraction in em
bryonic chick ventricular cardiomyocytes (Pavoine, C., Magne, S., Sauvadet,
A., and Pecker, F. (1999) J. Biol. Chem.. 274, 628-637). In the present wo
rk, we demonstrate that beta (2)-AR agonists trigger arachidonic acid relea
se via translocation and activation of cytosolic phospholipase A. (cPLA(2))
and increase caffeine-releasable Ca2+ pools from Fura-2-loaded cells. We a
lso show that beta (2)-AR agonists trigger a rapid and dose-dependent phosp
horylation of both p38 and p42/44 MAPKs. Translocation and activation of eP
LA(2), as well as Ca2+ accumulation in sarcoplasmic reticulum stores sensit
ive to caffeine and amplification of [Ca2+](i) cycling in response to beta
(2)-AR agonists, were blocked by inhibitors of the p38 or p42/44 MAPK pathw
ay (SB203580 and PD98059, respectively), suggesting a role of both MAPK sub
types in beta (2)-AR stimulation. In contrast, beta (1)-AP. stimulation of
[Ca2+](i) cycling was rather limited by the MAPKs, clearly proving the dive
rgence between beta (2)-AR and beta (1)-AR signaling systems. This study pr
esents the first evidence for the coupling of beta (2)-AR to cardiac ePLA(2
) and points out the key role of the MAPK pathway in the intracellular sign
aling elicited by positive inotropic beta (2)-AR agonists in heart.