Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has become a major contributor to morbidity and mor
tality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is estimated
that 30% to 50% of patients with HIV are coinfected with HCV. Advances in
antiretroviral therapy and improved life expectancy of HIV patients have re
sulted in an emergence of HCV-induced liver disease as a leading cause of s
ignificant morbidity and death in this population. Clinically, hepatitis C
is a more severe disease in HIV-infected individuals, characterized by rapi
d progression toward end-stage liver disease. Highly active antiretroviral
therapy is the mainstay of current acquired immunodeficiency syndrome manag
ement. One of the limiting side effects of combination therapy for HIV is h
epatotoxicity, which is more common and often more serious in patients with
underlying liver disease. Management of coinfected patients has no strict
guidelines, but it is generally accepted that HIV infection needs to be tre
ated before HCV. Hepatitis C in coinfected individuals is probably best tre
ated using combination therapy (interferon alpha and ribavirin). It appears
that combination therapy can safely be administered to this population and
that previous concerns about ribavirin/zidovudine antagonism are unsubstan
tiated in clinical practice. Although initial results using only interferon
alpha showed poor results in HIV coinfected patients, combination therapy
seems to be as effective as in the general population. All HIV-HCV coinfect
ed patients should be vaccinated against hepatitis B and hepatitis A; vacci
nes are safe and effective.