Mm. Georgescu et al., RANDOM SELECTION - A MODEL FOR POLIOVIRUS INFECTION OF THE CENTRAL-NERVOUS-SYSTEM, Journal of General Virology, 78, 1997, pp. 1819-1828
Mixed infections occur in the natural environment, and also result fro
m the use of mixed live vaccines. Some recipients of the trivalent ora
l poliovirus vaccine develop vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyeliti
s (VAPP). Numerous serotypes and recombinant genotypes of vaccine-deri
ved polioviruses may be found in stool samples from such cases. To inv
estigate the relationship between the multiplication of various genoty
pes at the primary replication site in the gut and the infection outco
me in the central nervous system (CNS), the viruses excreted on consec
utive days by two patients with VAPP were compared with the viruses is
olated from the CNS. The genotypes from stools were numerous and varie
d with time in both cases, suggesting a multiplication of the viruses
in multiple foci in the gut, Where the CNS isolated virus clearly corr
esponded to one of the many viruses detected in stool, this virus was
unexpectedly less neurovirulent than others isolated from stool, To as
sess the mechanism by which viruses with different degrees of neurovir
ulence are selected in the CNS, transgenic mice sensitive to polioviru
s infection were inoculated extraneurally with mixtures of two phenoty
pically different viruses at different neuropathogenic doses. The viru
s(es) inducing neurological disease was then isolated from the CNS. At
less than 100% input neuropathogenic dose of both inoculated viruses,
individual mice were affected stochastically by the virus variants fr
om the mixture, Extrapolated to humans, this selection pattern might e
xplain the occurrence of CNS infections with less neurotropic viruses
derived from an extraneural pool containing also highly neurotropic vi