The spike (S) glycoprotein of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) is a major determ
inant of neurovirulence. Using targeted recombination we previously demonst
rated that the S gene of the highly neurovirulent MHV-4 conferred a dramati
c increase in neurovirulence to the mildly neurovirulent MHV-A59. To identi
fy the genetic determinants of neurovirulence within the MHV-4 spike, we ge
nerated isogenic recombinant viruses containing various MHV-4/MHV-A59 chime
ric spike genes, and studied their phenotypes in vivo. The MHV-4/MHV-A59 ch
imeric spike genes consisted of either reciprocal exchanges between the S1
and S2 spike subunits, or smaller exchanges specifically in the hypervariab
le region (HVR) of S1. The chimeric spike gene containing recombinants all
exhibited efficient replication in vitro, yet many were severely attenuated
for virulence in vivo. Furthermore, these attenuated recombinants exhibite
d decreased titers of infectious virus in the brain relative to the parenta
l recombinant viruses containing the full-length MHV-4 or MHV-A59 spike gen
es. This is the first report that compares the neurovirulence and pathogene
sis of isogenic viruses with defined alterations in the MHV spike protein.
From these studies, it appears that the interactions of multiple regions of
the MHV spike, including the HVR, act in concert to allow for efficient in
fection of and virulence in the murine central nervous system.