Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is produced locally in working skeletal muscle and can
account for the increase in plasma IL-6 during exercise. The production of
IL-6 during exercise is related to the intensity and duration of the exerc
ise, and low muscle glycogen content stimulates the production. Muscle-deri
ved IL-6 is released into the circulation during exercise in high amounts a
nd is likely to work in a hormone-like fashion, exerting an effect on the l
iver and adipose tissue, thereby contributing to the maintenance of glucose
homeostasis during exercise and mediating exercise-induced lipolysis. Musc
le-derived IL-6 may also work to inhibit the effects of pro-inflammatory cy
tokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha. The latter cytokine is produc
ed by adipose tissue and inflammatory cells and appears to play a pathogene
tic role in insulin resistance and atherogenesis.