The Northern Arran Granite has a sub-circular form in outcrop with a diamet
er of about 11 km. We have acquired six gravity profiles across the margin
of the granite with an average station spacing of less than 250 m, two of w
hich were extended to give an approximately diametric profile across the wh
ole body. Simple modelling indicates that the granite ranges in thickness b
etween 0.3 km and 1.2 km close to the margin, and that the base of the gran
ite is approximately horizontal. Furthermore. the diametric profile shows n
o short-wavelength negative anomaly feature that could be associated with a
n abrupt increase in thickness of the granite, We concluded, therefore, tha
t the granite probably has the form of a laccolith. More importantly, the s
hallow depth inferred for the base of the granite has a significant implica
tion concerning its ascent mechanism. Intrusion of the granite led to the d
evelopment of the Catacol synform in the Dalradian metasediments around its
northwestern margin. and in 1992, England used structural analysis to demo
nstrate that the Dalradian rocks presently exposed at the margin were uplif
ted by 2-3 km during granite emplacement. Because gravity modelling shows t
hat the granite is less than I km thick around its northwestern margin, the
granite Could not have uplifted beds from 2-3 km depth if it had been empl
aced laterally following dyke ascent. Diapirism therefore appears to be the
only ascent mechanism for the granite that is consistent both with its geo
metry and with the structures around its margin.