Relaxation of a single polymer chain trapped in a periodic array of obstacl
es in two dimensions is studied by Monte Carlo simulations of the bond fluc
tuation model, where only tile excluded volume interaction is taken into ac
count. Relaxation modes and rates of tile polymer chain are estimated by so
lving a generalized eigenvalue problem for the equilibrium time correlation
matrices of the coarse-grained relative positions of segments of the polym
er chain. The Slowest relaxation rate lambda (1) of the polymer chain of N
segments behaves as lambda (1) proportional to N-3.1. The pth,lowest relaxa
tion rate lambda (p) with p greater than or equal to 2 shows the p-dependen
ce lambda (p) proportional to p(2.1) and the N-dependence consistent with l
ambda (p) proportional to N-3.1 for small values of p/N. For each N, the sl
owest relaxation rate lambda (1) is remarkably smaller than the value extra
polated from the behavior lambda (p) proportional to p(2.1) for p greater t
han or equal to 2. The behaviors of slow relaxation modes are similar to th
ose of the Rouse modes. These behaviors of tile relaxation rates and modes
correspond to those of the slithering snake model with the excluded volume