This paper presents basic demographic parameters of African elephants (Loxo
donta africana) living in and around Amboseli National Park, Kenya. The stu
dy was conducted from 1972 to the present and results are based on the hist
ories of 1778 individually known, elephants. From 1972 to 1978, the Ambosel
i elephant population declined and then increased steadily from 1979 to the
present. Births occurred throughout the year but over 80% occurred between
November and May. Birth rate varied from year to year with a pattern of pe
aks and troughs at 4- to 5-year intervals. The birth sex ratio did not diff
er significantly from 1:1. Mean age at first birth was 14.1 years, determin
ed from a sample of 546 known-age females. Mean birth interval (n = 732) wa
s 4.5 years for 255 females. Fecundity and calf survival varied by age of t
he females. Mortality fluctuated from year to year. Sex-specific mortality
rates were consistently higher for males than females at all ages.