Norway has a field recording system for dairy cattle that includes recordin
g of all veterinary treatments on an individual animal basis from 1978 onwa
rds. Application of these data in a genome search for quantitative trait lo
ci (QTL) verified genome-wise significant QTL affecting clinical mastitis o
n Chromosome (Chr) 6. Additional putative QTL for clinical mastitis were lo
calized to Chrs. 3, 4, 14, and 27. The comprehensive field recording system
includes information on somatic cell count as well. This trait is often us
ed in selection against mastitis when direct information on clinical mastit
is is not available. The absence of common QTL positions for the two traits
in our study indicates that the use of somatic cell count data in QTL stud
ies aimed for reducing the incidence of mastitis should be carefully evalua