Researchers in the United States have generally taken a "segregated'' appro
ach to regeneration research. As a result, trials involving nursery treatme
nts are usually separated from trials involving site preparation treatments
. Researchers have concentrated on just the main treatment effects. Little
effort has been placed on examining potential interactions between nursery
and site preparation treatments. Only a few nursery by site preparation (Nx
SP) studies have been established. The profession has generally assumed tha
t gains from nursery and site preparation treatments are simply additive, o
r that the relative gains from nursery treatments would be insignificant wh
en compared to intensive site preparation treatments. Both of these assumpt
ions may be incorrect.
This review examines some of the NxSP interaction trials that have been est
ablished in the United States during the last half of the 20th century. We
predict that as rotation ages for plantations decrease, the need for NxSP i
nteraction trials will increase. NxSP interaction studies will be required
if researchers wish to include both nursery and site preparation treatments
in their early establishment models. To date, only a few establishment mod
els have been developed in the United States.