We investigate N = 4 noncommutative super-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory. We compu
te the one-loop four gauge boson scattering amplitude on parallel Dp-branes
, and find the corresponding contribution to the noncommutative SYM one-loo
p action in a momentum expansion. The result is somewhat surprising. We fin
d that while the planar diagram can be written using the usual product, the
contributions from nonplanar diagrams in general involve additional struct
ure beyond the *-product, arising from the nontrivial worldsheet correlatio
ns surviving the field theory limit. To each nonplanar diagram, depending o
n the number n of external vertex operator insertions on each boundary, the
re is a corresponding *(n) n-ary operation. We further find that it is no l
onger possible to write down an off-shell gauge invariant one-loop effectiv
e action using the noncommutative field strength defined at tree-level. (C)
2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.