We examined the importance of experimental removal of mature colonies on co
lony recruitment in the western harvester ant Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. To
test the common assumption that established colonies suppress the establis
hment of new colonies we removed all colonies in ten 0.25 ha plots in 1996
and an additional five plots in 1997 and measured new colony recruitment in
1997, 1998, and 1999. Using a blocked, paired plot design we found that re
moval of colonies increased new colony recruitment in some areas of the sit
e, but not others. Spatial variation in the importance of established colon
ies to recruitment was consistent across years; blocks in which density dep
endence was important in one year exhibited density dependent recruitment i
n following years. We estimated that in the blocks where recruitment was af
fected by established colonies, they accounted for less than 10% of the mor
tality of foundress queens. The increase in the number of new recruits (on
average two additional new colonies) was considerably less than the number
of colonies removed; average colony density in the removal plots was 14 col
onies per 0.25 ha plot. The consistent lack of importance of established co
lonies to recruitment in one block and the relatively small response to col
ony removal in the other blocks suggests that the number of new colonies in
a year may not be equivalent to the number of deaths of established coloni
es in that year. Space limitation is an important influence on recruitment
in P occidentalis, but the magnitude of the limitation varies spatially.