Carbon erosion and deposition were investigated on the surface of a flat ta
rget covered with an a-C:H film and exposed for 197 s in the SOL of TEXTOR-
94. The target was declined by 20 degrees with respect to the toroidal dire
ction and partly protected by an aluminum (3 mm) plate which created an 8 m
m wide local shadow. Thickness changes were measured by colorimetry after e
ach plasma discharge. Carbon is eroded from surface areas near the plasma e
dge (LCFS +1 cm) and transported into the local shadow regions. Accumulatio
n rates up to approximate to 7nm/s were found. The erosion in the local sha
dow regions (about - 0.1 nm/s) is due to charge exchange neutrals. The obse
rvations are confirmed by ion beam analyses and by preliminary calculations
with the B2-EIRENE and ERO-TEXTOR code.