The effects of three-flavor neutrino oscillation on the supernova neutrino
spectrum are studied. We calculate the expected event rate and energy spect
ra, and their time evolution at SuperKamiokande (SK) and the Sudbury Neutri
no Observatory (SNO) by using a realistic neutrino burst model based on num
erical simulations of supernova explosions. We also employ a realistic dens
ity profile based on a presupernova model for the calculation of neutrino c
onversion probability in supernova envelopes. These realistic models and nu
merical calculations allow us to quantitatively estimate the effects of neu
trino oscillation in a more realistic way than previous studies. We then fi
nd that the degeneracy of the solutions of the solar neutrino problem can b
e broken by the combination of the SK and SNO detections of a future Galact
ic supernova.