Density-dependent territorial interactions have been suggested to cause imm
unosuppression and thereby decrease fitness, but empirical support from nat
ural populations is lacking. Data from a natural lizard population (Uta sta
nsburiana) showed that breeding females surrounded by many territorial neig
hbors had suppressed immune function. Furthermore, variation in immunologic
al condition had different effects on the fitness of the two heritable fema
le throat-color morphs in this population. These interactive fitness effect
s caused correlational selection between female throat color and immune res
ponsiveness. Population genetic theory predicts that this should have lead
to the buildup and preservation of a genetic correlation between female mor
photype and immunological condition. Accordingly, the throat color of a fem
ale was genetically correlated (r(A) = -1.36; SE = 0.55) with her daughter'
s immune responsiveness.