To study the differences in body image dissatisfaction among women with eat
ing disorders (ED) and a control group. Method: 145 women with (ED) -accord
ing to criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disord
ers, IV edition, (American Psychiatric Association, 1994)- (36 with restric
tive anorexia nervosa (ANR), 30 with bulimic anorexia nervosa (ANB) and 79
with bulimia nervosa (BN), and a control group (n= 65) with similar sociode
mographic characteristics were evaluated with the Body Shape Questionnaire
(BSQ), the body dissatisfaction scale of the Eating Disorder Inventor (EDI)
and the Eating Attitude Test (EAT). Results: Controlling body mass index,
women with ED present a higher body image dissatisfaction than controls, bu
t we do not find significant differences between ED groups, except in some
items of the BSQ and EDI subscale. Discussion: our results confirm previous
studies by standing out the body image dissatisfaction in the ED and the n
eed to intervene therapeutically at that level.