Introduction. Some cases of hyperhidrosis with beta-blocker therapy have be
en reported in the literature. We studied the prevalence of hyperhidrosis i
n a population treated by beta-blockers compared with an untreated control
Patients and methods. Patients attending the cardiologic consultation of th
e Nancy hospital were included. Past medical history and medication were co
llected. Interrogation assessed whether the patient felt hyperhidrosis, and
defined a hyperhidrosis score.
Results. Sixty-five subjects treated by beta-blocker and 100 controls were
included. 36.9 p. 100 of treated patients and 38 p. 100 of controls experie
nced hyperhidrosis (P = 0.88). 23.07 and 23 p. 100, respectively, had hyper
hidrosis defined by a high score of sweating (p = 0.99). Retrospectively, 8
of 24 patients experienced hyperhidrosis after the beginning of beta-block
er therapy.
Discussion. We observed the same prevalence of hyperhidrosis in the two gro
ups. However sweat gland innervation involved both cholinergic and adrenerg
ic stimulations. Furthermore, experimental studies showed an increase in sw
eating on efforts with beta-blocker therapy.