After finishing the sequence of the human genome, a functional understandin
g of genome dynamics is the next major step on the agenda of the bioscience
s. New approaches, such as microarray techniques, and new methods of bioinf
ormatics provide powerful tools aiming in this direction. In the last few y
ears, important parts of genome organization and dynamics in a number of mo
del organisms have been determined. However, an integrated view of gene reg
ulation on a genomic scale is still lacking. Here, genome function is discu
ssed from a complex dynamical systems perspective: which dynamical properti
es can a large genomic system exhibit in principle, given the local mechani
sms governing the small subsystems that we know today? Models of artificial
genetic networks are used to explore dynamical principles and possible eme
rgent dynamical phenomena in networks of genetic switches. One observes evo
lution of robustness and dynamical self-organization in large networks of a
rtificial regulators that are based on the dynamic mechanism of transcripti
onal regulators as observed in biological gene regulation. Possible biologi
cal observables and ways of experimental testing of global phenomena in gen
ome function and dynamics are discussed. Models of artificial genetic netwo
rks provide a tool to address questions in genome dynamics and their evolut
ion and allow simulation studies in evolutionary genomics.