The crystal structures of seven sodic amphiboles from the Strange Lake pera
lkaline granite, on the Quebec-Labrador border, have been refined to R valu
es of 1.3-1.7% using single-crystal MoK alpha X-ray data. Crystals used in
the collection of the intensity data were subsequently analyzed by electron
- and ion-microprobe methods. Site occupancies were assigned by site-scatte
ring refinement and stereochemical considerations, taking into account the
electron- and ion-microprobe data for each crystal. These amphiboles are li
thian arfvedsonite and lithian manganoan arfvedsonite, and have anomalously
low X-ray scattering at the M(3) site. Ion-microprobe analysis shows the p
resence of significant Li in all of these samples (up to 0.63 wt%, equivale
nt to 0.40 Li apfu), and the site-scattering refinement shows Li to be comp
letely ordered at the M(3) site. Ion-microprobe analysis also shows evidenc
e of limited dehydrogenation that correlates with the amount of Ti in the a
mphibole. The amphiboles show several interesting chemical correlations: (1
) the Mn and Zn contents show a very strong positive correlation (2) the K
and Al contents (0.02 < Al < 0.08 apfu are inversely correlated; (3) the Li
and Ca contents show a strong negative correlation. The sample order in co
rrelations (1) and (2) is the same, supporting the idea that these correlat
ions are petrogenetic rather than crystal-chemical. Moreover, similar corre
lations occur in similar amphiboles from the Virgin Canyon pluton, New Mexi