Microsurgical models of vein-to-artery graft surgery have been developed in
rats as a means of assessing vein graft adaptation and neo-intimal hyperpl
asia. Neo-intimal hyperplasia in these grafts is often attributed, at least
in part, to an adaptive response by venous smooth muscle cells to the incr
eased intraluminal pressure of the arterial pressure. However, considerable
evidence suggests complete or near-complete cellular replacement in these
grafts. A series of experiments were undertaken in which male vein or arter
y grafts were placed into either allogeneic female nude rat hosts or into s
yngeneic WKy female hosts as a means of determining donor cell survival. Gr
afts were removed at postsurgery week 2 or week 6 and the fate of the donor
male cells assessed by PCR amplification of the testis-determining gene Sr
y. The SU gene was undetectable in 2-week male to female vein grafts. When
left for 6 weeks, donor cells were detectable in vein grafts only after mul
tiple 50-cycle PCR analyses. Minimal donor cell survival was not due to an
allograft response, as donor male cells were readily detectable in WKy male
to female nude rat artery-to-artery grafts. These data were not nude rat s
pecific, as poor donor cell survival was also evidenced in syngeneic male t
o female vein-to-artery grafts. In conclusion, we demonstrate only marginal
survival of donor cells in rat vein-to-artery grafts. Neointimal hyperplas
ia in these grafts was not a consequence of donor venous smooth muscle cell